borne of necessity, wrapped in fears, weathered in doubt.
the trail winds littered with yesterday’s visions,
all tin and copper and papiermache.
search brings longing, or is it the other?
ckickens and eggs.
necessity just the same
the shadows grow long and deep, as the Sun plays tricks
through leaves of amber.
my mind in hazy gone takes little notice
of the days far passing
and of pathways fade
now a hunger and thirst take hold
to the trails lapse and a journey far spent
the earth is soft here
inviting, yellow and flowing.
my tears free the ease
and feel the draw of hope
to something beyond destinations
and silent stations
through the briar,
the scent of cookies and lime
speak of incongruity
yet perfect sense in ancient knowing
a thousand miles from sea,
I feel a New England breeze tickle my neck
and I follow the salted freshness
a cottage of peach plays my dreams
like trump to a deuce
and in twilights last warning
I find the door
to scented promise
such a fine door
sturdy and miniature castle like.
I smell the cookies baking on sea breeze balloons
and hear the shuffle of feet
as I spy shadows graying the cracks
my eyes take to the knocker
and the wonder of if
as the window’s light
cautions my impudence
instead, a locket, made of ruby red
hangs loose and free, saying you may,
but this only and no more.
a bargain reached, a lift and a twist
and the magic is mine, as I steal away
to the edge of gaited dreams.
it glows in my hand and I draw it to my heart,
swallowed by it’s magic.
hunger and thirst no longer say grace
and careless searchings in hidden longings find rest
enough it should have been,
to warm in it’s glow
but desire is a poor gambler
and the hinges I played
this is where the true magic showed.
the words inscribed danced and regaled
and cheered the wounded heart.
sea breeze cookies and lime peaches filled the air with fulfillment
I felt a pain in my thigh and looked to the cause.
the words before read were now on me carved
and I touched the hot sear
soon I discovered, that upon each new opening,
a new blessing revealed itself
and marked me with it’s brand.
and yet, resist, couldn’t I
as I journeyed , I sought to conceal the ruby red locket.
the magic I feared losing that never was mine.
One night while dreaming in it’s glow
under trees of sticky maple,
I felt it slip and I grasped,
reaching for my salvation.
but I was daft in the vision
and careless in holding
I searched for that peach cottage
with chocolate chip lime.
but I’ll not say if I found it again.
the forest is filled with nosy gardners
with empty dreams
I am though branded forever by it’s blessings
and I glow in it’s magic.
the locket was only the key to greater treasure
and greater hinges.
there is a fire on the hearth
cookies on the rack
shadows in the cracks
New England seas in the winds rush
and I am happy in my place